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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I don't mean to be a week after the fact, but I was working on a very complicated bellydance costume which presented all sorts of quirks and megrims at the last minute for a performance last Saturday. It was worth it, though--Mr. Strega had never seen me in it before and when I walked upstairs to show him the finished product, his eyes practically fell out of his head. I do think it was one of the most flattering costumes I've ever worn--basically a royal blue lace bodystocking with a full skirt (finished in points all around) and gauntlet sleeves, very low-cut, a bellydance bra, and the usual petticoat, bloomers, sandals, and an elaborate fringed and beaded tassel belt. I may look for a wedding gown similar to this style, (though without the tassel belt and in different fabrics), as the A-line cut is very flattering.

BUT--on to important things. Obama is our president! He's already started working, and he isn't even in office. I have to say that I adore and admire Michelle Obama--she seems like such a terrific person, and their girls seem like wonderful kids. I feel a new sense of hope, renewal, and happiness. It's truly a new day.

AND YET--I am so overwhelmingly sad that Prop 8 passed. I hope and pray it will be overturned, and that one day, this prejudice against gay people will be a thing of the distant past.

So, those are my thoughts for today.


kirk said...

Ms. Strega, I am thrilled that Obama is our president-elect!

About what you said about prop 8, it did pass. You put that it did not pass, I just did not want people who read your blog to get confused.

According to the California General Election Ballot, Prop 8 is an action to keep marriage between a man and a woman and nothing else. It passed by a slight margin of victory, roughly 52%-48%. I too, hope that this will be abolished from the constitution because not allowing people to marry who they want is disrimination to their free will.

I hope I did not confuse you or anyone that happens to read my comment.

Just an fyi, I am an ex-student of yours who is studying the art of creative writing thanks to your teaching in 1a and 1b. I'm sure you remember who I am.

Joan McMillan said...

Hi, Kirk! I'm so happy you commented and I certainly appreciate your correction--I was typing at breakneck speed and I corrected my entry.

I am so glad you are studying creative writing! You were a terrific student in my classes and I hope you are enjoying your semester.

Thanks for commenting!