To read an excerpt from the book, please click on the following link:

An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

VoiceWeavers first public performance, March 11!

The VoiceWeavers gave our first public performance Tuesday afternoon for a rally commemorating the tsunami and the subsequent disaster at Fukushima (I managed to snap a couple of pics from this).  We did GREAT (though we flubbed a couple of lines and just laughed it off).  I am grateful to the "core" group (six singers) and the director (an amazing conductor, probably the best I have ever seen and certainly the best I've ever worked with) for working so hard to make this happen.  I sang as if I had been doing this for years...well, I have, but there was a long gap and a lot of cowering in between.

I have decided that, at some point in this "writing recovery" I will write a memoir about learning to sing again (I find I can't write anything anymore, including my science fiction novel.  I can only journal and blog.  Gee...thanks!  It's only the thing I've been doing since I could learn to write). Anyway...a singing memoir.  I'm also playing the piano a lot more.

 Still, at some point, the frozen sea will begin to thaw again, and I know that.  My friend A. from my old writing group is still in touch with me and we are critiquing each other's work.  He praised my synopsis of The Book of Jezebel to the sky and his comments were quite good--such as how Kelem came to be.  I think I'm going to make it as created by dreams, from the moment human beings started to do so (which is why no humans equals no Kelem).  A. also asked if Melody, the main character who is shattered and depressed by a sexual assault and her husband leaving, will become aware that she is strong and capable.  I definitely think so---I think Joren may find a way to raise everyone's spirits.  I'd love to see him help to create a play depicting what happened to Earth that shows how destructive the idea of "dominion over everything" was.  The townspeople, or many people from the scattered towns, could act it out and this gives them something to do, something they can work on every year (kind of like the San Francisco Mime Troupe), and this creates a sense of purpose and history for the people left on Earth.  Creativity always sparks change as well.  Somehow Melody becomes herself again through all of this and is strong again.

So I guess the creativity is still flowing somewhere under the surface.  I journal and write and wait, knowing these things will heal.  Writing is not just close to my heart and IS both.  That is why a psychic wound damages those things too, for a time.

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