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An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Home Improvement

I am in a long process of home repair of my precious small nest of a house about fifteen minutes from here.  It is still not livable (needs rewiring of at least the hot water heater outlet, so I have decided to move the heater at least into the laundry area under the house--it is literally exposed outside and loses heat, and drives up the electric bill).  I also MUST replace the deck.  It is nearly 30 years old and since the living area of the house is on the second floor, it is dangerous to move the old appliances (fridge and possibly stove) out on it.  That is going to be costly, and the rewiring a bit costly. For now, I bring a cooler up to the house or just don't bring any food that needs refrigeration.  I also have the water turned off (using the shutoff at the house) after finding out that someone in the neighborhood was using my water, so I bring gallon jugs of water up to the house.  I miss staying overnight there, but really can't right now.

I am learning to do much of the interior work at the house myself:  I would love to remodel the whole thing, but that is not going to happen.  I am currently scraping paint from my bathroom so that I can seal the walls with mold-resistant primer and paint.  Need a new bathroom fan, but that is not going to happen just yet.  The bathroom fixture seems to be the original one from when the house was built, and does not work.  Actually, the list could go on forever of the things that need to be repaired, and I have already done a ton of work there.

Still, it is important to keep doing what I can.  The repairs are mostly small things that add up, as well as new appliances.

Back to scraping paint.

One step at a time.

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