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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

reaction to Frey by someone in recovery

Not to stay on this topic forever, but here is an article from someone who went to Hazelden (the same detox facility as Frey) and has, I think, some excellent things to say on the subject. I hope the link works.

Gayle Brandeis says on her blog that she has refrained from exploring the Frey scandal in depth, but makes a good point, in my opinion: "I have been preoccupied with lies that feel more pressing and dangerous--the blatant lies of our administration. If only the media could latch on to those lies with the same wolf-pack ferocity they've shown with these publishing scandals." I agree and keep thinking "if only..." Still, James Frey doesn't have the power to control and manipulate the media in the massive way that our current administration does.

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