To read an excerpt from the book, please click on the following link:

An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

in the library

I was dismayed awhile back to find that my thesis (the baby version of The Strega's Story) was not yet in the library system of my alma mater. I realize such things take time, yet I noticed that the works of most of the folks I'd graduated with were there. I contacted the library, and after searching through various and sundry nooks and crannies, they finally located my thesis in what they described as a "cataloguing backwater." They were nice enough to get it catalogued fairly quickly, so I am now officially in a library! I realize it's just my thesis, but my inner nerd is quite happy.

My summer continues uneventfully, since I am treating the writing of my book like a full-time job. I have no vacations scheduled, no really spectacular plans in the works--just working along on the book. It reached 335 pages last night. This is really something for someone who always wrote poems.
I anticipate that it is going to be nearly 400 pages when it's done, and may top that. I am finding lately that I go into an absolute trance when I write, and hours pass, but the writing is coming much more easily. There are times I feel like a mechanic stuck endlessly under the same car, but I'm extremely grateful to be able to work more fluidly right now when so much of the time, things feel blocked to me.

Other than that, the garden is entering into bloom more and more every day.
And that is the sum of things right now.

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