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Thursday, May 15, 2008


In the grand tradition of everything happening in my life at the last minute, I've been asked to pick up the Intro to Creative Writing course this summer at the alma mater.
I said yes right away, then about an hour later, I panicked (but didn't decline the class). I've never taught this course before! I was a grad assistant a zillion years ago for my thesis director with it, so I know I can at least function in that capacity...but what on earth am I going to teach? In some sense, I teach creative writing all the time anyway, with the daily writing prompts and all--and as Mr. Strega said, I have something like twenty books on creativity and writing--surely I can figure out something from them.

Any suggestions out there for texts, books, stories, assignments, whatever?

Ack--and it starts soon!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! They're lucky to have you. The writing undergrads I've worked with have responded well to Anne Lamott's _Bird by Bird_. I'll let you know if Monstro has any other tips...

Joan McMillan said...

Thanks, Lynn (and Kate, who has commented, but Blogger is being tardy today posting comments). I had forgotten about Bird by Bird, and am going to use it. Yay!