To read an excerpt from the book, please click on the following link:

An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Haven't Posted Because Of...

1) teaching (which is going great, but it's a new class to me, so I am doing a lot of prep work in that regard). San Jose is not as horrid as I thought it might be in summer, and some days, oddly, it is cooler than Santa Cruz.

2) bellydance performances (two over the weekend in Santa Cruz)

3) Fire prevention (clearing brush and so forth--scary times here in the mountains)

4) Finishing the book.

5) Needing to get to bed and sleep eight hours, every night, unfailingly. I am trying so hard to be better about this, and am getting better about being good to my body in general.

So, I've been a busy strega, but productive.

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