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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti quake

My link (click on the title of the post) will bring you to Oxfam America's site, which will give you information on donating to Haitian earthquake relief. My Haitian dance instructor has identified this as a reliable source of donations. As always, the Red Cross is also reliable.

I have no words to describe the horror I see on the news. Haiti is close to my heart because I study Haitian dance and through it have made friends with people from Haiti. Haitian dance is the most deeply spiritual, demanding dance I have done in my years of learning many forms of movement--a dance full of life, energy, heart, emotion. I am heartbroken over the unbelievable devastation. Please, though we are all struggling financially right now, I urge my readers to donate what they can to earthquake relief. Even ten dollars will make a difference.

And as for people like Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson making inane comments about "pacts with the devil," etc., they obviously have no concept of what it means to react to such a horrific world event with any measure of compassion. No one is immune to the possiblity of experiencing horrific natural disasters, and this is NOT the time to push one's ludicrous neoconservative platform.

Please pray for Haiti, please donate what you can--we are all part of the world's community.

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