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An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Monday, January 13, 2014

On Prayer

I have been working on this page a great deal in the last couple of days, and will be adding, deleting, and otherwise tinkering with a lot more.  It is not perfect, but is certainly cleaned up a great deal.  I appreciate the patience of my readers (I am sure I've got a few out there).

I'm happy to have installed the Daily Word widget again and will occasionally write about ideas from there that inspire me, or that I need to work on. Today's quote is "in my prayers, I behold Divine Perfection."

My prayers are more simple these days:  I have been saying, "I trust" a lot. It's hard for me to trust Spirit, to ask only for a clear path and discernment of divine will for me.  One of the goals in 12 steps is to stop nagging Spirit for everything and simply come to a place of belief that everything is unfolding as it should, that one's needs will be taken care of, and that discernment will be given, as well as all the emotional tools to deal with life.  That is probably why a lot of the affirmation crowd really bugged me after some time in my recovery program:  I think affirmations and all that are good and necessary, and are important in recovery work, but sometimes it seems to me as if a lot of it is magical thinking and working incessantly hard to control Spirit's will.  It seems almost a mistrust of Spirit, that it doesn't really know what it is doing.  In