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Monday, October 13, 2014


Thinking of M. tonight, sending him a visualization of violet light for peace and tranquil sleep. I have done this every night since May 2009, even when I was upset, sad, angry, or frightened. It is a good habit. Everyone needs a touch of kindness in their lives. I say other prayers and such at night, but always start with that.

Speaking of light, I finished my candle for Asha, to light when I write about her. I have her portrait surrounded by fuchsia glitter as a frame, and Our Lady of Czestochowa on the other side, with a frame of deep emerald glitter.

I have been reading about some Polish traditions and have found that All Saints Day is celebrated by decorating graves with flowers, and with candles that burn all night, many housed in beautiful glass lanterns.  Here are a few photos:

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