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Thursday, March 10, 2016

How It Plays Out

I might as well let my readers know that there is the possibility that a relative is threatening to bring me to court in order to prove that I am an unfit mother, possibly to take Thistle from me, and definitely to have, as I understand it, unlimited access to my daughter. I will not tell anything further, except that this process, which I definitely did not want, has brought my previous hard-won remission from lupus into ragingly activity again from sheer stress.  My kidneys are again edging into the danger zone, dumping large amounts of blood. I told CG that this is killing me, and it is.  My rheumatologist, formerly happy at my progress and about to take me off Imuran, is now moving me to the second level of chemotherapy for lupus.  I have only one after this.

No futher except that here is the situation.  I hope my readers think some good thoughts for me in this process, which has wreaked the worst havoc on my health in all the years I have had it.  I might not return from it as much as I was able to do in 1993-1994, and I am afraid of the next level of chemotherapy, which has the potential of devastating side effects.  Think well for me. I am a mother of a young child and want very much to stay on this earth and see her grow up.

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