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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Dad, David Gordon McMillan, July 25, 1928--May 16, 2017

My father died at 3:30 a.m. yesterday. He died in his sleep of old age, bless him. I am glad he is past his pain and in a better place.

In many ways, I held on and tried to survive all my health challenges because I did not want to die and have him grieve another child. He lost his daughter, my sister Maryanne, in 2008. I could not bear to have that happen to him again.

I will probably be writing more on this loss in the days to come.

I think nothing unanchors a person more than the death of parents. Both my parents are gone now, and my elder sister. This year I have had three close friends die also.

What it says to me is the old story of how precious this life is...a cliche, I suppose, but we are all so lucky to have this time on earth.

Here is a photo of him, probably on one of the road trips we all loved to take.