To read an excerpt from the book, please click on the following link:

An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Thou Doth Protest

I apologize to my many faithful readers for my absence. I've simply been dealing with life and all its ways. I am working to create space in my life for this blog, which I realize more and more is a connection with readers in the world outside the bedroom where I write this (in fact, I'm actually typing this while in bed, as rain falls outside).

So here are some updates:

I am doing well with my shoulder injury, though recovery is slow. It's still steady. I am happy with my physical therapy, though I absolutely hate how cold the place is. I have far more mobility.

Writing is going okay. I'm working steadily.

I must report that Halloween was wonderful and one of the best I've had this year.

And with that, please know I am doing great and am going to be much more in the habit of writing my letter to the world.

The world has become such a strange place, especially politically, and I'd love to be doing some commentary on that as long as it feels safe to do so.