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Friday, March 20, 2020

Shelter in Place: The New Normal

I was considering counting the times I’ve written about the “new normal” or the “new abnormal” since Donald Trump ripped off the Presidency. I’m afraid to look, at this point.

I can honestly say that I have never lived through anything remotely like this coronavirus situation. Right now I am sheltering in place, like everyone in California. My friends are making plans for after April 7th, but I feel that this deadline is going to be extended for much, much longer than this. I am homeschooling Thistle right now, like every parent of school-age kids right now in our state. It is said that schools will not re-open this year. Thistle is by turns sad and extremely brave. Her school is doing video instruction. I am greatly impressed with how they have risen to this challenge.

 I fear for my friends who work in service industries, who are bodyworkers, hair stylists, anything that requires getting within the six-foot boundary between people. My mind is reeling.

And above all: who will get this? How many will die? If we survive, what is the world going to be like? Humanity is going to have to band together and help the people who find themselves suddenly unemployed, children orphaned because of the virus...I am impressed with the kindness of many.

And unutterably disgusted at the hoarders. We have staple foods here, things in the freezer, everything needed for hygiene. My goal right now is to keep my family safe and to stay well.

Wash your hands and carry on!

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