To read an excerpt from the book, please click on the following link:

An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:

Sunday, March 01, 2009


I'm in the middle of trying to catch up with my grading and PowerPoint stuff for tomorrow's class, but wanted to just let the world know I'm still here. I've resolved the situation with my dance teacher and am back in her classes, AND in the process, when I was branching out and trying to find other classes, I began to work with this wonderful group of women (click on the link to see),,,

...and am going to keep working with them, even though it is a small amount of extra money every month and I need to go to San Jose one more day a week (I also work in San Jose). These dance classes are an amazingly nourishing environment for me to be in.

In other "news," I dreamed of my mother last night, sitting with others at a far distance, around a beautiful lagoon with green water the color of a peridot, surrounded by salt flats which were bright white. She seemed happy and young-looking, and I knew she and the others with her were spirits and not alive anymore in the physical sense. I was able to have a lucid dream in which I actually was able to ask questions and get answers consciously from a being who spoke with me through a speaker-like device. Lucid dreaming something I've been working on, though I tend to have to shout my questions in the dreams! A very interesting experience, to say the least.

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