California is opening up and many of the ignoramuses I know from the “creative” community here are not wearing masks, crowding restaurants, posting conspiracy theories, and have bitched about the “enforced isolation” as adamantly as Trump supporters.
Well. now they get to return to the Petri dish. Some in the “conspiracy crowd” who work in the “personal services” sector such as salons, bodywork, etc. may likely wonder why clients are not flocking to them. I had to refuse someone this week, for legitimate reasons (my doctor wants me to refrain from things that get me in close range of people, even getting my hair trimmed). This worker has consistently posted and “liked” on Facebook statements that only fat, lazy people get the virus and the vaccine is being developed because the fatties and disabled people need it...and why should it be forced on the paragons of health?
Never heard such BS in my life and never will. These folks plaster their Facebook with images of the Buddha and hollow statements about compassion. Where is the compassion of wearing a mask because it might protect others? Not even a consideration with the conspiracy theorists and crazy anti-vaxxers.
Meanwhile South Korea is putting restrictions on again due to an upsurge in cases of the virus.
I think many people will die of Covid-19 by the end of the summer, and well beyond. We are committing suicide as a country by opening up. There was no safety net for too many employed people, no consideration by the government that people need more than $1200, once.
People even in my town are being mocked for wearing masks or maintaining social distancing.
Masks and social distancing may be the only defenses we have right now until (and if) a vaccine can be developed.
The selfishness of too many will take the lives of many others who try hard not to spread this virus, who comply with what needs to be done.
What a nightmare is unfolding.
My name is Joan McMillan and this blog is, as Emily Dickinson says, "my letter to the world." I am currently working on a nonfiction book about the murder of a young woman, Asha Veil, born Joanna Dragunowicz, and her unborn daughter, Anina, on September 9, 2006. My book is meant to honor her life and illuminate the need to create a safer world for women and children.

To read an excerpt from the book, please click on the following link:
An excerpt from The Pleasure Palace, my romantic comedy, can be found here:
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